How to add a document or a video?

Use the button below the text field in the "Attach a file" section to add your documents.

Don't forget to validate your work by clicking on the Validate button once you have added all your documents.

✅ The limit for a video is 3GB, so use the MP4 format and 720p resolution. If your video is still too heavy, you can upload a WeTransfer or Youtube link, for example, directly into the text field.

✅ The limit for a document is 100MB, give preference to PDF.

🚫 Apple's ".pages" format should be avoided as it cannot be read by those who do not have an Apple device.

⚠️ Be careful with WeTransfer links as these expire after 7 days.

⚠️ For google drive or youtube links, make sure they are public so that they can be viewed.